This application has 2 main components: Provider and Viewer.
Provider runs on a system that can be light-minutes far from other systems with Viewer running on them. Viewer instances and Provider communicate by DTN and operate asynchronously, though they use a common time-stamp convention at the application level.

The purpose is to allow a human to see remote pictures, with notable informations, that are produced in heterogeneous ways; spanning from single slides to sequences of pictures with free-hand annotations, till moving pictures.

For sure this application is not original because it's a fundamental one. Creativity lies on focusing concepts like "best effort" and "robustness by simplicity".


This component mantains folders that contain "time stamped" pictures, following a policy to purge them and to allow indirect access to their contents by means of remote requests.

Provider is aware of the "DTN bundle logic", so it produces pictures small enough to be atomically delivered to requesting Viewer. Indeed the application tolerates delivery failures resulting in a moderate loss of whole pictures.

Provider integrates several tools to produce pictures.
A notable one allows an user to start and stop the production of pictures that are screen-shots, at regular intervals, of what s/he sees on the system display while interacting with other applications. This way s/he can, for example, record a sequence of pictures representing a slide show in progress, or the dynamic of free-hand annotations on a given background.
Supposing 1000s of elapsed time between start and stop user actions, and a period of 900ms between screen-shots, the "recording" produces 1111 pictures, in a sequence where time-stamp of each one differs of 900ms from the next or previous. That can be very redundant in the case of a simple slide show in the notice board, but this redundancy plays an important role in avoiding round-trips while communicating with Viewer.


Basically this component sends messages to Provider so that it sends back pictures: one atomic request message for one whole picture.
As written above the application tolerates delivery failures resulting in a moderate loss of whole pictures; and this includes a moderate loss of request messages.

Viewer integrates several tools to manage requests and received pictures.
A notable one allows an user to view pictures remotely produced after a given universal time.
That can be achieved, for example, sending a "request for picture" each 1100ms. In the first request the time-stamp matches the wanted "beginning time", while in the following ones it increases by 1100ms steps. This way if Viewer receives pictures then it tries to render them in a sort of virtual blackboard, that a human can look at. Rendering is based on position, size and time-stamp parameters integrated in the received picture data.


If Provider receives a "request for picture" message, from a Viewer autorized to indirectly access a given folder, then it checks for the existence, in that folder, of a picture with time-stamp greater than the one specified in the request.
If such a picture exists Provider sends it to the requesting Viewer; otherwise it waits for the production of a new picture for which the "requested condition" is true.
The Provider implementation sets a suitable balance between maximum quantity of pending requests and maximum time to wait before discarding a pending request.

To better understand the implications of all this we can now combine the example in the PROVIDER section of this document with the example in the VIEWER section...

Provider produces the first picture of the sequence at universal time X+10s. The following ones at times X+10.9s, X+11.8s, X+12.7s, X+13.6s, X+14.5s, X+15.4s, X+16.3s, X+17.2s, X+18.1s, X+19s, X+19.9s, X+20.8s and so on...

Viewer sends the first request at universal time X+46s. The following ones at times X+47.1s, X+48.2s, X+49.3s, X+50.4s, X+51.5s, X+52.6s, X+53.7s, X+54.8s, X+55.9s, X+57s, X+58.1s and so on...
The time-stamps specified by Viewer in each request are respectively X, X+1.1s, X+2.2s, X+3.3s, X+4.4s, X+5.5s, X+6.6s, X+7.7s, X+8.8s, X+9.9s, X+11s, X+12.1s, and so on...

For an end-to-end delay of 300s Viewer could receive the first picture (with time-stamp X+10s) at time X+646s. (But now we imagine that Viewer, to provide some time buffering, renders it at time X+700s.)
At time X+647.1s Viewer could receive the picture with time-stamp X+10s again.
Indeed Provider does not receive a request for its second picture (the one with time-stamp X+10.9s) and sends its third picture (the one with time-stamp X+11.8s) at the eleventh Viewer request (the one with time-stamp X+11s).
So at time X+657s Viewer could receive the picture with time-stamp X+11.8s.
At time X+658.1s Viewer could receive the picture with time-stamp X+12.7s.
In other words, Viewer has a chance to render the 1000s recording mantained in the "remote notice board" though, for asynchronous processing issues, it skips 202 or more remote pictures of the 1111 ones in the available sequence.
Also, with this logic Viewer can start rendering the remote recording while recording is in progress.

Acceptance of moderate loss of pictures, and of some level of redundancy, reduces to 1 round-trip time (600s in the example) the nominal delay from "production to fruition".
But the delay can be further reduced if Viewer can predict the starting of recording... If, in the example above, Viewer knows that recording will start at universal time X+10s then it can send its first request (with time-stamp X+10s) at time X-290s or before, so that Provider has a chance to send "immediatly" the new produced picture, that could potentially be rendered at time X+310s.


Provider can be splitted in 2 components: Producer and Archivist.

Producer runs on a system that can be light-minutes far from a systems with Archivist running on it. Archivist and Producer communicate by DTN and operate asynchronously, though they use a common time-stamp convention at the application level.

Producer produces pictures as described in the PROVIDER section of this document.

Archivist serves Producer, storing the pictures coming from it. It mantains them as described in the PROVIDER section of this document; also, in the same way, it serves Viewer instances.
Archivist acts similarly to a web server, so it can be "mirrored" to improve accessibility by Viewer to the "notice board" of interest.